Beating first night syndrome

Enjoy a deep sleep wherever you are

Getting enough sleep is challenge for many people. Recent studies in the US show that we on average only get 40% of the sleep we need. When we are on the road, even on what is supposed to be a relaxing holiday, we often sleep even less.

Around 80% of all business travellers suffer from sleep disorders when travelling and that the average sleep duration decreases to 5.17 hours (approximately 58 minutes less than in your own bed). Several factors can make sleeping soundly challenging when we are travelling, for fun or for work, in particular jet lag and first night effect. 

Travel sleepwear

Jet lag

Whether you are a frequent flier or going on a far-away vacation, you risk having jet lag make sleeping easy difficult. This is a result of our body’s natural biological clock, our circadian rhythm, being disturbed by travelling to different time zones. In particular east-ward travelling is difficult for us to adjust to. When we travel to a new time zone it takes a while for our circadian rhythm to adjust and we remain on our normal time zone up to several days. As a result, we are jetlagged and can wake up in the middle of the night and want to go to bed when it’s early afternoon.

Functional sleepwear for women || Burgundy

First night effect

Being in a new sleeping environment we often struggle to relax and as a result sleep worse. This is a natural phenomenon referred to as the first night effect. Changes in ambient temperature, bedding, noise and smell keeps us alert instead of sleeping easy. Even at home we wake up 4-6 times a night, often we fall asleep so fast again that we don’t even notice. In a new environment we often struggle to fall back to sleep and our sleep quality suffers.

Sleep & travel

The expert tips and advice for restorative sleep

Travelling can make sleep difficult however, there are few easy tips during the trip and after arrival that can make a world of a difference for our sleep quality. Dr. med Lutz Grauman, Phd & specialist in sports medicine, nutrition and chirotherapy and member of the Dagsmejan medical advisory board, talks about how you can make sure that you sleep when on the road, be it for a fun holiday or for a business trip.

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Experience it for yourself

Dagsmejan travel sleepwear offer exceptional moisture management and temperature regulation to help you keep the optimal temperature for sleep. As an added bonus it's lightweight, fast drying, anti-bacterial and wrinkle resistant.

But don't trust us, read about what others are saying about Dagsmejan and why it's the best travel pyjamas.

  • ★★★★★

    "I'm excited about my new pajama. Both in terms of quality and wearing comfort. When folded it's very small making it the ideal companion for travelling."

    — Barbara —

  • ★★★★★

    "Very light and great for travel. I really like it and it hardly takes any space in my bag."

    — Daniel — 

  • ★★★★★

    "Professionally I am on the road a lot. The pyjamas are ideal for the suitcase because they take up little space. 15 or 20 degrees in Germany, for example, feel much warmer in Spain. I can't always rely on the weather apps, that's why I ordered a Dagsmejan pyjamas to compensate the temperature fluctuations better. And I must say, it works."

    — Anita —

  • ★★★★★

    Bought as a travel pajama. Folds up small and light. I was perfectly comfortable sleeping in it.

    — Miki —